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How to Install Blinds Outside A Window Frame, Step-by-Step

How to Install Blinds Outside A Window Frame, Step-by-Step

Here's one common question new DIY enthusiasts and homeowners ask: Can you hang blinds outside window frames? The answer is a resounding yes. 

With the right tools, a little bit of patience, and this comprehensive guide on how to install blinds outside window frames, you can easily take this project into your own hands – saving you the costs of a professional installation.

In this article, we'll walk you through everything you need to know, from choosing the right blinds for this mounting style to getting accurate measurements and, eventually, the installation. We won't stop there; we'll also provide additional insider tips for enhancing and maintaining your newly installed window beauties.



What is an Outside Mount?

Mounting blinds outside frames refers to an installation process where the blinds are affixed exterior to the window recess. 

Instead of hiding within the window's boundaries, the blinds sit outside the window moulding, with their brackets anchored securely to the wall or onto the moulding itself. 

Blinds outside a window frame

This type of installation requires careful consideration, as it visually extends the apparent size of the window, constructing a pronounced facade. It also provides an effective way of dealing with shallow window sills or obstructions, such as handles, that impede inside mounting.

However, be cautious with outside mounts. Size and aesthetic considerations are paramount. Window coverings that are too small may fall short of providing complete privacy, while excessively large blinds may appear visually overwhelming. 

As it involves drilling, ensure your wall can handle the weight and structure of the brackets effectively. 

Outside Mount vs Inside Mount

Installing blinds with an inside mount tucks them neatly within the window frame, thus offering a clean, built-in look ideally used for deep-set windows. On the other hand, an outside mount extends your windows visually and is best when your window set is shallow. 

Blinds inside a window frame

Inside mounts preserve more natural light but may show gaps of light if fit incorrectly. They’re also more energy-efficient, minimizing draftiness and enabling better insulation. 

Conversely, outside mounts offer peak privacy and light control but may slightly reduce energy efficiency due to extended coverage. 

Your choice ultimately relies on aesthetics, privacy needs, and energy-saving goals. If you are looking for a drill-free solution for your window coverings, visit our comprehensive guide for installing no drill blinds.

Benefits of Mounting Your Blinds Outside the Window Frame

Mounting blinds outside the window frame offers versatility, increased privacy, and superior light control. Its major perks include:

  • Aesthetic advantage: It can give the illusion of larger windows, enhancing room dimension.
  • Flexibility: Particularly beneficial for windows with shallow depth offering them full cover.

However, the potential drawback is reduced energy efficiency as the blinds are not installed within the window's insulation barrier.

How to Choose the Right Blinds for This Mounting Style

Choosing blinds for an outside mount? Consider Venetian, roller, or Roman styles – all of which adapt well to this mounting style. 

Material selection depends on sun exposure, privacy needs, and room aesthetics. For wet areas like bathrooms and kitchens, opt for moisture-resistant materials such as faux wood or aluminum to prevent warping or discolouration. 

Colour is crucial, too – make sure the blinds harmonize with your room's design. Remember, your blinds should be functional and serve as an inviting accent to your decor.

How to Measure Your Window

Accurate measurements are the basis of how you mount blinds for perfection.

First, let's tackle the width. Using a metal tape measure for precision, note your window's width at three points: top, middle, and bottom. The widest measurement becomes your blind's width. 

Next, decide the desired drop for your blinds. Remember, you need ample space above and below the window. Measure from where you plan to place the top bracket to where you'd prefer your blinds to end. 

Here’s a tip: Have a friend help!

Measurements are best taken as a two-person job to ensure accuracy, minimizing quirky surprises later on. A meticulous start paves the way for an impeccable finish.

Installing the Outside Mount Blinds

Before we embark on how to install blinds outside window frames, let's remember one thing: preparation is key. Always check the types of blinds you've selected and ensure you have all the parts and tools ready to avoid mid-installation mishaps.

1. Gather the Tools and Materials Needed

Let's start with the essentials. 

  • Measuring tape
  • Pencil
  • Power drill
  • Level
  • Ladder

Consider enhancing your toolkit with items like a laser level, adding an extra layer of accuracy to your process. You can also equip yourself with protective eyewear and gloves where necessary. 

These minor safeguards can prevent unintended accidents or discomfort during installation. 

2. Mark the Mounting Points

Holding your blinds at the desired height, mark where the brackets will be mounted. Confirm the blinds will be perfectly horizontal by using a level. Remember, a level is the key for non-crooked, professional-looking blinds.

Take your time with this step by double- and even triple-checking your measurements before marking. A pencil works great for this, allowing easy adjustments if mistakes are made. 

And don't worry if any of this feels daunting – we have a dedicated measuring guide for outside mount blinds to assist you.

3. Drill Pilot Holes

When learning how to install blinds outside window frames, drilling pilot holes is a key step. It makes screwing in your blinds easier and protects your walls or frame against damage. 

Always choose the right drill bit size to match your screws. If possible, aim to drill into wall studs for added support. 

However, wall anchors or specialized drill bits may be necessary to deal with tricky wall materials like drywall or brick. Remember, patience and precision are your faithful aides here.

4. Attach the Brackets

Now comes the part where you line up the brackets with the pilot holes and fasten them securely. Ensuring brackets are tightly installed ensures your bracket can handle the weight of the blinds. If studs aren't available, a practical alternative is to use wall anchors for firm support.

5. Clip or Slide the Blinds Into Place

It’s time for the star of the show – the blinds! Attach them to the brackets. 

Depending on the type of blinds, you might clip them in or slide them into place. Make sure they move freely and are perfectly level after installation. If the blinds seem misaligned or too tight, you can adjust them slightly for optimal alignment. 

6. Test the Blinds

Finish off your installation with a dry run. Operate the blinds, ensuring they can be opened and closed smoothly. 

This will help you catch any hiccups that might need troubleshooting. If you encounter difficulties, like blinds sticking or cords proving too tight or loose, a few adjustments to the tension of the cords or slight repositioning may be needed.

Additionally, if your blinds aren't hanging evenly, checking for any obstruction in the path can help. Re-clipping them onto the brackets could also rectify this problem. 


Enhancing Your Window Setup: Additional Recommendations

Your window dressing opportunities don't stop with the blinds. Here are some additional recommendations to further spruce up your window setup:

  • Valance clips: This decorative supplement hides hardware, adding a finished look to your windows.
  • Window film: A privacy-enhancing solution that allows in natural light.
  • Drapery: Ideal for adding an extra layer of insulation, light control and elegance to your setup.
  • Smart home integrations: Automated control of your blinds for a tech-forward approach.
  • Energy-efficient treatments: Pair your blinds with energy-efficient treatments like reflective films or honeycomb shades, helping to control temperature and save on utility bills.

Balancing functionality and aesthetics, these enhancements can indeed enliven your window treatments.

Maintenance and Care Tips

Caring for your blinds isn't a one-size-fits-all affair. Once-a-month dust-downs for sturdy wooden blinds or gentle spot cleans for delicate fabrics can help them maintain their pristine appearance. And don't be shy to confront those minor repair tasks.

A proactive approach to restringing loose cords or replacing weary slats will nip any larger problems in the bud, promising your blinds a long, vibrant life. 

Don't Wait! Upgrade Your Window Treatment Now!

Say goodbye to your online search of "hanging blinds outside mount" or "installing shades outside mount." We have covered all the steps for an impeccable installation. 

Want more installation guides? Visit our other pages dedicated to helping you install a wide variety of window coverings, be it putting up faux wood blinds or roller shades.

Factory Direct Blinds is your one-stop destination for these window beautifying needs. Whether you’re after roller shades, blackout blinds, or any window treatment you may need, you can take advantage of our current 35% off retail prices offer, our free shipping, and even free samples to help make your choice easier. 

Our satisfied customers vouch for our products' quality and ease of installation. As one review with a 5-star rating notably puts it, "Easy to measure, and they fit perfectly. Easy to install." 

So, why wait? Upgrade your window treatment now and give your home the aesthetic boost it deserves with Factory Direct Blinds!


Can you put blinds outside the window frame?

Absolutely, you can install blinds outside window frames. This method is known as outside mount and can be a great choice for certain window setups.

Can you hang blinds outside the window trim?

Yes, you can hang blinds above window frames and outside the trim. This is especially beneficial if you're aiming to make your windows appear larger.

Do blinds hang inside or outside the window frame?

The choice of installing blinds outside window frames or inside depends on your preference and window setup. Blinds hung outside window frames tend to elevate the visual size of the window while installing blinds inside the frame offers a sleek, built-in look.

Can you mount blinds on window trims?

Yes, you can mount blinds on trims. When mounting blinds on trims, ensure that the trims are sturdy enough to sustain the weight and use proper hardware to secure the brackets.

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