Decorating Projects for Small Spaces
If you think your room is too small for a decorating project, think again.
No space is too small. As a matter of fact, decorating projects for small spaces can make them appear even larger.
Decorating in small spaces starts with a light color for the walls. Light colors make a room appear larger and give a more spacious feeling to the area. Avoid dark colors in small rooms since dark colors tend to close in on a room and make them feel smaller. You can create the illusion of more openness with light colors and then use darker colors as accents throughout the space.
Painting is also more effective when you stick to one main color for the walls and wood. Cotninuing the light color to the baseboards, window sills, and other wood in the room will create an open feeling. The unifying color makes the room flow smoothly and evenly.
If the room has windows, take advantage of the natural light. Don’t use heavy window treatments that block light. Today’s decorating trends even leave windows bare with no window treatments. Use light colored shades if privacy is needed. Make windows appear larger by having panels on either side of the window that are extend beyond the actual window, making windows appear wider than they really are. Leave as much of the window exposed as possible. One trick for small rooms is to have window panels that are the same color or a slightly darker shade than the walls for an easy flowing color palette.
Keep the floor clean and clear. If the room has hardwood, take advantage of the natural wood by keeping it uncovered. A wood floor can make a space appear bigger. If you’re replacing your flooring, consider the easy to install do-it-yourself wood flooring options. These are easy to install and create a beautiful finished floor. If you do use carpet, use a light color that complements the walls. Remember that light colors open up the space.
Small spaces are better managed with small furniture and few accessories. Don’t clutter the walls or tables with accessories. Use a few well-defined pieces instead. One beautiful piece of artwork is better than many different sizes and pieces. Wicker furniture can lighten the space even more – either which or natural finished wicker are best. Color can be punctuated with colorful pillows for a splash of color and variety.
Recessed lighting may also be an option. Consider recessed lights to open up the area. This type of lighting also takes the place of light fixtures in the ceiling or lamps, which helps remove unnecessary distractions from the space. There are many types of recessed lighting available today and strategically placed lights can create an ambient feeling of peacefulness.
Decorating projects for small spaces can be challenging, but they are also fun projects that result in rooms that appear more spacious and become more functional. Removing unnecessary clutter and accessories opens up the room for better use and makes it a welcome respite.